Welcome to Union Digital.

We are a software provider dedicated to helping unions and associations through innovation and new technologies.  We built UN1ON, union software for member engagement.

We are a software provider dedicated to helping unions and associations modernize and streamline their operations through the use of innovative technology.

Founded by a team of experienced union organizers and tech professionals, we understand the unique challenges and needs of unions and associations. We have developed a suite of tools specifically designed to meet those needs, including member management systems, communication platforms, and online organizing tools.

Our Products & Services

Powerful web-based app built for Unions, Associations and any Membership based group.

T-shirts, Hoodies, Vests, Flags, Posters, Calendars and Anything else you could customize.

Bargaining, Organizing, engagement, government & media relations

Be part of our awesome team.


Anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the amount of data we are importing.

Each client gets a dedicated Member Support Representative that will guide you from onboarding to sending your first campaign or importing your existing member lists.

Yes, we have built hundreds of local’s websites. We offer a five-page site or Custom site. We can help with content, imagery or anything else you might need.

Still need answers?

Contact us with your own questions and we’ll follow up with you.